Evaluación del consumo de macronutrientes y micronutrientes por individuos prediabéticos


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Abstract: Background The diet is an important strategy for glycemic control as well as reducing/eliminating the risk of developing diabetes. Objective This article evaluated the consumption of macronutrients and micronutrients of pre-diabetic individuals from Santa Cruz do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Method The nutrients intake was determined in the DietWin® program and the evaluation of the prevalence of adequacy macronutrients was classified according to Guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Diabetes and the evaluation of inadequacy of the micronutrients intake by Dietary Reference Intake were used. Results The pre-diabetic individuals had excessive protein and total fat intake (28.1% and 31.6%, respectively), as well as saturated fatty acids and cholesterol (91.2% and 35.1%, respectively). The fibers intake in this population showed an inadequacy of 93.0%. Considering the micronutrients intakes, vitamin D, calcium and selenium presented an insufficiency greater than 80.0%. Conclusion The usual diet of pre-diabetic individuals showed to be excessive for proteins and total fats, which associated with excessive consumption of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, can increase cardiovascular risk. This, coupled with inadequate consumption of some micronutrients such as vitamin D, calcium and selenium and low fiber can affect the control of glycemia in these individuals.

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