Euripedes Barsanulfo : um educador espirita na Primeira Republica




This study aims to rescue for the Brazilian education?s history, the personality of a spiritist educator, Eurípides Barsanulfo (1880-1918) founder and director of the school Allan Kardec (Sacramento), the first spiritist school in Brazil. It shows the specificity of his proposal, active education, gratuity and spiritualist, analyzing his heritage, practices, cultural and sociopolitical context and the pedagogic ideas of the period. The methodology was done through an extensive historic and bibliographic research concerning the discussed themes and also using research with primaries sources (manuscripts, interviews with witnesses, students and relatives, magazine?s articles, pictures, reports of the municipal city hall etc.). This work intends to define specific aspects of Euripides?s practice into context of his time as well as an initiator of a new ideological view of education, with consequences until the present date. This study wants to show his contribution, through a critical vision of the history, but incorporating one perspective of the spiritist speech, because what?s emerges in a first moment of the research is the originality of the kardecist pedagogic proposal, which first stone was settled down by Euripides


1803-1869 educação e espiritismo educação - minas gerais brazil education and espiritism history old republic

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