Etnias e educação : trajetorias de formação de professores frente a complexidade das relações etnicas no cotidiano escolar




The uork tratts of the novel of Professors formation fron the point of their daily lives in front of the ethinic relationships complexity, The research has as object of study the rescue of Professors formation process, which is centered in studies that aim at the construction of new views and nev; postures arouund the ethnic relationships in the educational context. The v;ork is guided by, a political optin identified na ethnic and cultural diversity and it is based on the concepts of culture, ethnocentrism, social identity and representation, particularity, historicity and envolviment, having as theoretical references thoughts by Muniz Sodre, Guerreiro Ramos, m. Bakhtin and J. Larrosa. The pedagogical practices devoleped face prejudices and present in the daily, social life. However naturalization present that changes are possible and that v;e can interfer in the Professors ethnic andcultural formation. The resseach shows ruptures and continuities that produce nev; knawledges and nev: attitudes. This research is part of a research project from GEPEC called "Tramas Peculiares no Cotidiano da Escola Publica".


educação professores relações etnicas

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