Etapas do desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil - um exercício rostowiano / Stages of economic development in Brazil: exercise rostowiano




The main objective of this dissertation is the application of the model of stages of the economical growth of Walt Whitman Rostow to Brazil, identifying the Brazilian takeoff as end of the industrials outbreaks and beginning of the regular industrialization between 1929 and 1954. Besides the Rostow theory served from counterpoint to the two main theories of economical growth existent Brazilians to middles of the decade of 1950, the liberal school and the development school. The discussions and the divergent points among those theories contributed to the understanding of the Brazilian industrialization process, his productivity, concentration and contribution to the economical growth. The identification of the stages took place from way to prove, mainly, the theories of Rostow in relation to the Brazilian take-off and the mechanisms for his propagation, that they should end in the subsequent phases of the theory and, in consequence, to the more equalitarian economical growth and the Welfare State.


desenvolvimento econômico desenvolvimentism desenvolvimentismo liberalism liberalismo take-off economical growth arranco

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