Estudos bioecologicos de Spodoptera frugiperda (Abbot e Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) como subsidio ao manejo integrado de pragas na cultura do milho




A lot of scientific researches has been published, along the last decades, treating with many aspects upon the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Abbot. &Smi th 1797) . However, little attention has done concerning new approaches of its control, principally among subtropical agroecosystem. The present study, therefore, was undertaken in order to clarify some relations within the complex entomofauna/mcorn field, under an IPM point of view. Fluctuations of S. frugiperda populations, as well of its natural enemies ( predators, parasites and pathogens) are analysed. Among the predaceous species, the earwig Dorus sp. (Dermaptera, Forficulidae) showed to be very effective, characterized by higher frequency abd prey consumption. Campoletis flavicincta (Hymenoptera, Ichnewmonidae) and Archytas sp. (Diptera, Taquinidae) as parasites, showed to be good promissing control agents of S. frugi perda, due to their exploitation of Heliothis zea ( Lepidoptera, Noctu dae) as an alt.ernative host. Twen.y natural enemies were found occuring naturally and causing mortalities to the different developmental stages of the fall armyworm. However, during the first 35 to 40 days of the season their eff iciency was very low. Consequently, some IPM practices would be necessary in order to maintain higher population density of these agents during such a period. High infestations by S. frugiperda and H. zea was specie by high attack of stored-products species


milho - doenças e pragas - controle integrado milho - cultivo ecologia vegetal

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