Damage and biology of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae) on maize genotypes. / Danos e biologia de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em genótipos de milho.




Plant resistance is a usefui component of integrated pest management and its value has been increasing in plant breeding programs, ln this study, 12 maize genotypes were evaluated to damage of fali armyworm Spodoptera frugíperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) in field conditions. The effect of these genotypes on fali armyworm biology was evaluated in laboratory conditions. The field experiments were carried out in Casa Branca, Florínea and Miguelópolis/Guaíra, whích represent three different regions of São Paulo State. The plants were evaluated at 6-8 and 10-12 exposed leaves, using a rank scale from O to 9. The analysis of variance showed that the fali armyworm damage on maize genotypes differed in each of three places. The interaction age*piace was significant and it indicares that the damage differed according to the age of the plants, depending on where they were evaluated. At 6-8 leaf stage, the damage were less significant in Casa Branca comparing to Florínea and Miguetópolis/Guaíra. At 10-1 2 leaf stage, the three places showed damage with significant differences. Migueiópolis/Guaíra was the place with fewer damage, comparing to Florínea. ln Casa Branca occurred more damage. Comparing the age average of the plants in each region, the plants in Casa Branca showed fewer damage at 6-8 leaf stage whereas the plants in Florinea and Miguelópolis/Guaíra showed it at 10-12 leaf stage. ln the field experiments, the Cluster Analysis showed that Z 8486, C 333 B and Dina 766 genotypes set the group wíth fewer fali armyworm damage whereas XL 212 and Piranão genotypes set the most damaged group. The genotypes provided littie effect on fali armyworm biology. ln the laboratory experíments, the larvae reared on Z 8486 and Master genotypes provided lower weight on days 7 and 14, when compadng to XL 212. The genotypes Z 8486 and IAC-Vitória presented lower larval survival when comparing to Dina 766. The larvae reared on Dina 766 genotype provided the highest weight for day 7 and the greatest larval survival, even though, this genotype was one of the least damaged in the field.


maize milho animal biology plant breeding plant cross-breeding fall armyworm integrated pest management biologia animal cruzamento vegetal melhoramento genético vegetal plant genetic resistance resistência genética vegetal manejo integrado genótipos genotype lagarta-do-cartucho

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