Estudo topográfico da dor de origem dentária / Study of refered pain of dental origin




The majority of patients who suffer from toothache report referred pain to other sites in the head and neck. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and psychophysical characteristics of referred pain in the orofacial region and how factors such as intensity, duration and nature of odontogenic pain might modulate them. We employed psychophysical and clinical methods to correlate pain perception with the anatomy and physiology of the trigeminal system. Sixty patients reporting primary toothache were investigated as to the clinical and psychophysical aspects of their pains symptoms and signals (intensity, duration, location and state of the pulp inflammatory process). Pain intensity and state of irreversible pulp inflammation were found to significantly affect facilitate the incidence of referred pain and its spread across vertical laminations. Considering these results, we proposed a physiological model based on both neuronal integration (spatial and temporal summation) and the topographic organization of the trigeminal system, which is able to explain the observed characteristics of referred dental pain.


referred pain dor referida toothache odontalgia fisiologia do sistema nervoso trigeminal system pain diagnóstico bucal dor facial endodontic diagnostic

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