Efeito da acupuntura no manejo da dor aguda de origem dental / Effect of acupuncture in the management of acute pain of dental origin


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: Pain and its relief are old concerns of humanity. Acute pain is a cause of dental demand for health care, especially dental emergency shifts. The demand for welfare and health, makes alternative therapies become complementary to conventional treatments such as acupuncture and bloodletting, recognized as a treatment for pain. Objective: The first objective was to evaluate the effect of acupuncture in reducing the intensity of acute pain of dental origin and the second was to evaluate the use of bloodletting therapy in reducing the intensity of acute pain of dental origin by comparing it with acupuncture. Methods: This clinical study was conducted in After-Hours Emergency Dental of Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas and at the Emergency Center Dental Specialties I from Piracicaba (São Paulo), among the months of September 2009 and July 2010. Pain intensity was measured using a Visual Analogic Scale (VAS), ranging from zero (no pain) to ten (maximum pain), considering initial VAS at the time of the call and end VAS after the procedure. For the first objective was a sample of 120 patients with acute pain of dental origin, were treated with an acupuncture session in the pre-dental care. The acupuncture points were selected for IG4, E44 and HP8, used individually or combined. For the second objective was a sample of 20 patients who reported being with maximum pain before dental treatment, divided into two groups: bloodletting (n=10) and acupuncture (n=10). Patients in group bloodletting one were treated with bloodletting at a single point (Ex-CP6 or IG1), and the acupuncture group were treated with an acupuncture session, using the points: IG4, E44 and HP8 isolated. Results: Of 120 patients in the first objective, only 2.5% (n=3) showed no reduction in pain intensity (VAS). The application of acupuncture reduced pain intensity (VAS=0), 72.50% of patients. In considering the points used, with only one point, the VAS was zero in 24.17% of patients (n=29), with the combination of a 2. points at 35.83% (n = 43), in association with three points from 12.50% (n=15), and the others still held the upper airway above zero. The points when used alone showed statistically significant (p<0.001). The second objective results showed no statistically significant difference between therapies (p = 0.1215). Had a reduction in pain intensity 90% of patients in group bloodletting and acupuncture group 80%. Conclusion: Treatment with acupuncture and bloodletting in the pre-treatment of patients with acute dental pain showed a reduction in pain intensity. The results were similar when the techniques were compared, but more studies should be carried out to dissemination of these therapies in the management of acute pain of dental origin, which may benefit patients during conventional treatment.


analgesia por acupuntura odontalgia odontologia acupuncture analgesia toothache dentistry

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