Estudo sobre a variação dos parâmetros do Tree Load Balancing Algorithm / Study about the variation of the Tree Load Balancing Algorithm parameters




In locally distributed systems, when plenty of tasks are randomically submitted to network computers where certain computers may be heavily loaded, while others lightly loaded, load balancing algorithms may be used on to homogenize and optimize the resources allocation, and hence improve the computer performance. Later on, the distributed systems evolution made necessary the upgrading of these algorithms in order to support the highly scalable distributed systems and handle with the management of the heterogeneous environments. To supply these needs, a new load balancing algorithm called Tree Load Balancing Algorithm (TLBA) has been recently proposed. The evaluation of this algorithm has been done by a simulator and a prototype which were developed for this purpose. The simulations have proved its benefits in highly scalable heterogeneous distributed environments, and with the prototype the results were validated. This work presents the implementation of a new simulator which allows detailed studies of the TLBA parameters, based on the statistically generated samples, and a higher fidelity on the implementation of its load balancing policies. Its new features are the real time simulations, visualization of the logical tree according to computers’ relative capacities, results in tables, graphics generated by the simulator and studies applied to the different types of scheduling and systems


performance evaluation techniques simulators simuladores alto desempenho técnicas de avaliação de desempenho load balancing parameters parâmetros de balanceamento de carga high performance

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