Estudo sobre a influência da vibração na execução de tarefas de pilotos de aeronaves. / Study on the influence of vibration in aircraft pilotstask performance.




This work aims to study the influence of vibration in aircraft pilots task performance. For the study development, it was assembled a rig test using an aircraft pilot seat, in order to evaluate the transmissibility of vertical vibration to the pilots and to verify if high acceleration levels, as in the case of engine failure, are of significance to the pilots ability in performing tasks such as reading, writing and typing. All the experiments were accomplished successfully, confirming most of early studies about the subject. Comparisons are also presented, relating the same acceleration levels used in the transmissibility test with ISO 2631-1 and ANSI S3.18 standards for evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration which are the most appropriated for correlation with the aeronautical world.


vibration vibrações de aeronaves (influência do homem; serviços) human exposure to wholebody vibration task performance aviação (serviços) transmissibility

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