Estudo longitudinal da fluorose dentária com relação à dose de exposição ao flúor e avaliação de testes-diagnóstico




The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of total fluoride intake on dental fluorosis experience in children that took part in the Paiva et al. (2003) study. The longitudinal investigation begun in 1998, when the 32 children of 20 to 30 months had been exposed to a total fluoride intake of 0,09 mg F/Kg body weight/day. In 2004, the 32 children had 7 and 8 years-old. Permanent tooth fluorosis was conducted by one trained dentist examiner, using Thylstrup &Fejerskov Index (ITF). The classification was based on buccal, lingual and occlusal surfaces of central incisors and first molars. The mothers answered an interview about fluoride exposure when children were 0 to 3 years-old. The anterior teeth were photographed with digital camera. The photographs were showed to three dentists, that had classified them for presence or absence of fluorosis. The research was approved by Ethical Committee in Research of UFMG. The statistical analysis were carried out using the Windows SPSS 10,0 Program, qui-squared test, Exact Fisher test (p 0,05), logistic regression model with 95% of confidence interval (CI 95%). The photographic method was compared with clinical diagnosis (gold standard) by sensibility and specificity values. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 59,4%, with degree TF=1 the most frequent. The risk factor associated with dental fluorosis were the use of toothpaste amount in more than 1/3 of toothbrush head (OR= 10,25; p=0,025), independent if the child used to swallow the paste during brushing, the toothpaste type and the fluoride intake by toothpaste. The diet practices and fluoride intake during 20 to 30 months were not associated with fluorosis. The photographic method were more specific (93,7%) than sensitive (62,5%), and showed regular reproducibility (K=0,563). The photographic method was acceptable for calibration process. The significative factor associated with dental fluorosis was the amount of toothpaste greater than 1/3 of the brush bristle.


odontopediatria teses. flúor teses. fluorose dentária teses.

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