Estudo exploratÃrio sobre a relaÃÃo das tecnologias de comunicaÃÃo e informaÃÃo na produÃÃo cientÃfica da UFPE




The Technologies of based Information and Communication in the Internet (TICs), are today widely available in the ins titutions and have offered a more productive environment for the scientific work in the use of the computer networks. This use comes being a facilitador potential of the communication entersthe groups of research, providing, for example, the reduction of problems of coordination in there search, with strong impact in the scientific production. Brea king of this scene this dissertaÃÃo it is a exploratory study, with descriptive characteristics on the use of the TICs on the part of the researchers of the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, having as main objective to get information on the relationship of the use of these technologies for researc hers of the UFPE in the academic activities and its consequen ces in the processes of academic innovation of the institution. As source of data a questionnaire disponibilizado in the Internet for access of the researchers of the institution was used


tecnologia da informaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo (tics) engenharia de producao cmc- relaÃÃo da utilizaÃÃo das tics ufpe produtividade cientÃfica correio eletrÃnico internet redes de informaÃÃo, de prÃticas e de inovaÃÃo colaboraÃÃo cientÃfica

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