Estudo dos efeitos perturbativos do terceiro corpo e do achatamento de um planeta na dinâmica de um veículo espacial: caso Netuno-Tritão / Study of the third body perturbation and the planet s oblatenesses in the dynamics of a spacecraft: neptune-triton case




At the present time the search for the knowledge of our solar system continues effective. So, in July 1st, 2004, the international Cassini-Huygens Mission spacecraft entered into orbit around the planet Saturn. In January, 2005, it sends data from the Huygens probe, which is on Saturn s largest moon, Titan. On January 19, 2006, occurred the launch of the New Horizons spacecraft to Pluto and Charon. NASA s Solar System Exploration theme listed a Neptune mission as one of its top priorities for the mid-term (2008-2013). In a similar way to the Cassini-Huygens Mission, here a complete mission to Neptune and Triton is proposed. This work shows several schemes for the mission in order to find a good compromise between the DV and time of flight to Neptune. Neptune is scientifically a very interesting object because of its turbulent atmosphere and the presence of the large moon Triton. Triton is particularly interesting because of its size, retrograde orbit, and the insight into Solar System cosmogony to be gained through its comparative relationship with Pluto and Charon. Then, we study the basic dynamics of a spacecraft in the Neptune System, analyzing the main effects of the oblateness and the Tritons disturbing. We also studied numerically the stable regions where the spacecraft can survive.


flyby missions perturbação engenharia e tecnologia espacial missão sobrevoô perturbation space technology and engineering interplanetary spacecraft netuno triton neptune satélites interplanetários tritão

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