Estudo do membro pélvico do avestruz: considerações anatômicas, radiográficas e histológicas da rotação tibiotársica / Study of hind limb in ostrich: anatomical, radiografic and histological considerations of the tibiotarsica rotation




Ostrich?s hind limbs study: Anatomical, radiographic and histological considerations of the tibiotarsus rotation. Many skeletal muscles diseases were observed in fast growth, been the hight body wight, to associate with a bone structure in formation citads with the principal responsible cases for ocorrence these deseases, have been disfunction of locomotor arrangment. Despite the fact that the ostrich?s hind limbs have deserved attention from researchers since the 19th century, the myological and osteological descriptions together with the radiographic and morphological study, which involves RTT, have not received any attention yet. This present research intends to make an anatomical, pathological and radiographic study of the structures involved in the tibiotarsus rotation, besides the study of the joint alterations by arthrography and histology, giving one description with anatomical, macroscopic, microscopic and radiographic considerations of the ostrich?s hind limbs. This way, it?ll be possible to contribute to the comprehension of this disease that has caused many losses on the ostrich farm.


ostrich histhology animal radiology animal tibiotarsal anatomy animal tibiotársica avestruz histologia animal anatomia animal radiologia animal

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