Estudo do efeito de agentes adrenergicos sobre a atuação da vasopressina (Pitressin) na estimulação do fluxo de agua atraves da bexiga de sapo "in vitro"




The present work corre lates adrenergic receptor manipulation by several pharmacological agents to the hydromotic response oi the toad urinary bladder to vasopressin. Water flow was measured by the technique of BENTLEY (1958) (3) which consists of the gravimetric determination of the volume flow when an osmotic pressure difference is imposed between the two faces of the membrane. It was observed very low values for the water flow (about 1 ~i/min) in control conditions or in the presence of the adrenergic agents alone in spite of an osmotic gradient of considerable magnitude . (4.5 atm). The independence between vasopressin receptors and adrenergic agents receptors could be demonstràted. Vaso pressin (1 ~i/mi) increased extraordinarily the water flow (about 20-30 times) through a cyclic AMP-mediated process...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


diureticos bexiga - exploração farmacologia agentes simpatoliticos

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