Estudo de um sistema convectivo de mesoescala (SCM) observado nos dias 19 e 20/02/2003 sobre o Rio Grande do Sul / Federal University of Pelotas, February 2006. Study of a Convective Mesoscale System (CMS) observed on 19 and 20 February 2003 on Rio Grande do Sul state




In this work, it was made a study of a Convective Mesoscale System(CMS) more precipitant on Rio Grande do Sul, occurred between November 2002 and February of 2003, where it was analyzed the: i) radioactive and morphologic characteristics the CMS, using the technique ForTrACC (Torres, 2004) and ii) sinoptic environment and vertical profiles of some meteorological variables, using BRAMS model. The selected case occurred on 19 and 20 February 2003, where just one system was the responsible for the precipitation registered in the meteorological stations in surface. This CMS had a life cycle of 23 hours, with beginning at 13 UTC from 02/19/03, maturation at 04 UTC from 02/20/03 and dissipation at 11:30 UTC from 02/20/03. During that whole period, it presented cold tops with nuclei with temperature below 210 K. It was evidenced also, that the system had similar behavior to the conceptual model, where first suffers a strong convection, reaching smaller values of temperature, for later to expand in the maturation phase. It can be ended that the relationship between the minimum temperature on the stations that were more affected for the system, and the precipitation registered in surface was inverse, with the higher precipitation values coinciding with the smallest values of minimum temperature. For the simulation made with the BRAMS model, using an interval of exits of 1 hour, could be detailed the whole synoptic environment where CMS was during its life cycle, being able to reproduce the favorable conditions for its initiation, development and dissipation. It was also possible to describe the behavior of the vertical wind profiles, specific humidity, vertical speed and equivalent potential temperature, for each stage of the system life cycle.


meteorologia meteorologia. sistemas convectivos de mesoescala. ciclo de vida. ambiente sinótico. perfil vertical. convective mesoscale system. life cycle. synoptic environment. vertical profile.

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