Estudo de duas áreas de vegetação da caatinga com diferentes históricos de uso no Agreste Pernambucano. / Study of two areas of vegetation caatinga with different descriptions of use in Agreste (Wasteland) Pernambucano, Brazil.




The caatinga Bioma has a strategical importance, related to plants and animals biodiversitys conservation. Knowing it better constitutes one of the biggest challenges in the Brazilian scientific knowledge. This Paper objectives the analyzes of two areas of caatinga vegetation with different use descriptions in the Bento do Una city, Pernambucos Wasteland. This research was done in the Experimental Station of Bento do Una, observing two areas: Area l, with native bush, without historical evidences of deforestation to serve agricultural goals. Area ll which was previously fulfilled with palm forrageira plantation and was abandoned about 30 years ago and it is in the secondary succession. To collect data of the mature vegetation, had been used a total of 24 permanent parcels, measuring 20 X 20 m, being 12 parcels in each area for evaluations accomplishment of the structural and floristic parameters. In the regeneration study, each sample area of 20 X 20 m was implanted a parcel in the center of 5 X 5 m. All the individuals with circumference equals to the height of chest (1,30 m height from ground) CAP ≥ 6 cm were considered adult, and for the recoverable individuals, adopted the level of inclusion height equal or higher one meter and CAP ≤ 6. The height was esteem with the aid of a 2 meters numbered ruler. The arbustivo-arbórea plants of the two areas were represented by 39 species, 30 sorts and 21 families. In the total 2,913 individuals, being 1,853 in area l and 957 in the area had been measured ll. In the structural survey of the recoverable individuals in this two areas, 14 botanical families had been identified to 581 pertaining plants, 26 sorts and 30 species.


semi-árido ciências florestais são bento do uma (pe) recursos florestais e engenharia florestal fitossociologia caatinga

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