Estudo de aço microligado ao vanádio para a produção de barra nervurada para concreto armado com característica de soldabilidade segundo norma ABNT NBR 8965:1985


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper presents a vanadium microalloyed steel for the production of reinforced bars (rebars) that meets the chemical composition limits established by Brazilian standards to be considered weldable. Steel is produced via electric furnace, giving rise to billets. It is hot rolled in a rolling mill and cooled in air to obtain the rebar that meets the mechanical properties established by the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7480, CA50 category. The chemical composition established of the vanadium microalloyed steel was responsible for ensuring compliance with the mechanical properties. The chemical composition has value below of that was established by the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 8965 to the rebar have good weldability. Chemical and microstructural analyses were made as well as tensile and bending tests. The results showed that the vanadium microalloyed steel has met all the specifications against which he was confronted, being able to produce rebar to be used in reinforced concrete structures. Vanadium was essential to ensure the mechanical strength of the rebar through the mechanisms of precipitation and grain refinement hardening.


ensaios de materiais concreto armado ligas de aço vanadio

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