Estudo das representaÃÃes sociais do gÃnero feminino em piadas sobre a mulher / Social representations of the female gender in jokes concerning blondies


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




ABSTRACT This qualitative research intends to analyse the Social representations of the female gender in jokes concerning blondies, in order to study the discourse-language strategies used and how they work for keeping a sexist discourse which provides for a stereotyped image of that woman as ―stupid‖ and sexually available. The corpus for this research comes from the internet, considering as a basic requirement the determination of spaces of enunciation which guides the analysis. For this study, besides taking into account Moscoviciâs approach on representations, we focus on the theoretical basis from the French Discourse Analysis, highlighting Maingueneauâs views concerning polyphony and scene of enunciation, which enabled us to develop a more accurate analysis of the discourse marks, the building up of a scenery in the discourse and the manifestation of an interdiscoursive space and the way they led to give birth to the representations. The study of representations in jokes is due to the fact that we consider them important vehicles for representations and stereotypes alike,being profitable for both a linguistic and discoursive analysis as it is our proposal. This research becomes important not only for being one among a universe of a few ones, concerning humour, but also for its approach on polyphony and scene of enunciation to understand about the way jokes function and the matter of the social representations involving the character of the blonde woman. The results of this research may point out new horizons to be discovered in Linguistics, Discourse Analysis and other fields of knowledge which need to find in language the answers to their inquiries, in terms of relating representations, stereotypes, and jokes


cena enunciativa polifonia representaÃÃes discurso machista piadas linguistica jokes sexist discourse representations polyphony scene of enunciation mulheres - anedotas discriminaÃÃo de sexo contra as mulheres - humor,sÃtira,etc. anÃlise do discurso

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