Estudo da qualidade da acessibilidade da informação judicial pela internet no Brasil: o indicardor do Ceja




Study that discourse on the context, history, object of the Science of the Information and the influence of the internet and hypertext as precondition of access and recovery of judicial information and citizenship. The research it enters in the question of the measure and evaluation of access of the judicial information with the use of methodology developed for the Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Americas (Ceja) with verification of results of the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil (STJ) and the two main state courts of second tier of Brazil, the Court of Justice of São Paulo (TJSP) and the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS) with presentation of comparative degree between the same ones.


internet evaluation courts and citizenship ciencia da informacao avaliação quality of the accessibility tribunais e cidadania internet information legal informação judicial qualidade da acessibilidade

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