Estudo da prevalência da posição vestíbulo-lingual do canal mandibular por meio da tomografia computadorizada helicoidal / Prevalency study of the vestibulo-lingual position from the mandibular canal by helical computerized tomography




The course of the mandibles canal is oblique with posterior-anterior direction, it comes close to the medial cortical alveolar bony, until reaching the mesial face of the first inferior molar, starting from this area, it approaches of the lateral cortical alveolar bony until reaching the forame mentual. Radiographically, the manbible´s canal comes, as a radiolucent line defined by two radiopaque lines. Several methods of exams radiographyc that facilitate the evaluation of the complex maxilo-mandibular. Studies show that the Computerized Tomography (TC) is the best method for consider the evaluation of the course in the vestibule-lingual direction of the mandibles canal. It was intended to analyze the morphology in the vestibule-lingual direction of the variations of the course the mandibles canal in images of TC using the Dental Slice® software. With the mensuration tool of this software, 100 TC was evaluated bilaterally, being created three straight line. A horizontal one (vestibule-lingual), dividing the canal in the middle, and two vertical straight line, being tangent to the lingual external face and vestibular of the canals cortical. For analysis of the data it used the normality tests, hypothesis test (tests t and ANOVA) and test of adherence Anderson Darling. It conclude that a tendency exists the presence of little variability, among the sides right and left. The canal close to the forame mentual presents vestibular direction, and in the posterior area on lingual direction. And Confirm the need of the use of TC in the topographical evaluation of the mandibles canal.


nervo alveolar inferior helical computerized tomography mandibular canal canal da mandíbula lower alveolar nerve tomografia computadorizada helicoidal

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