"Avaliação da hiperplasia do processo coronóide por meio da tomografia computadorizada helicoidal" / Evaluation of the Coronoid Process Hyperplasia by means of Helicoidal Computerized Tomography




The Coronoid Process Hyperplasia is an affection that causes a limited mandibular mobility and a consequent limitation in mouth opening. It doesn’t present any painful symptomatology and has a slow progression, leading the patient to look for treatment only when the opening limitation is severe to the point of impairing regular masticatory functions. Many cases lead clinicians to treat the patient as he had a temporomandibular dysfunction. This work proposed an evaluation of the CT as an auxiliary method in the elaboration of the diagnosis and in the surgical planning of that anomaly by studying the presence of the Coronoid Process Hyperplasia through the observation of images obtained by means of the Helicoidal Computerized Tomography, considering the volumetric multiplane and 3D images and their associations. Filed images of Helicoidal Computerized Tomography were used, belonging to the examination of 152 patients who presented symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction and were all directed to the Dento-Maxillo-Facial Diagnosis Unit of the Clinica Felix Boada in the city of Caracas – Venezuela for TMA tomographic examination. Of the 152 patients 20 were selected who showed signs or symptoms of TMA dysfunction and Coronoid Process Hyperplasia was detected. Data of the 20 patients were compared in order to identify possible differences among the opinions of 5 radiologist specialists and 5 buco-maxillo -facial specialists. The Analysis of Means – ANOM was used to calculate a general average among the 5 specialists in each specialty and a gap that opinions and which ones had different opinions. Afterwards the comparison between the 2 groups was made using the Proportion Test. The observers concluded that the MPR images were more clarifying than the 3D images in most of the cases of coronoid process hyperplasia, especially when those resources were evaluated separately. Although they found vital the utilization of both images in association or not and indicated them to the study of the Coronoid Process Hyperplasia. Hypo mobility was observed in the TMA in the affected side in 55,2% of the cases


reconstrução 3d 3d reconstructionindicate hiperplasia do processo coronóide computerized tomography imagem tomográfica ultiplanar tomografia computadorizada helicoidal restricted mouth opening limitação de abertura da boca multiplan tomographic image coronoid process hyperplasia

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