Estudo da interação de paredes de alvenaria estrutural com a estrutura de fundação




This dissertation presents a study of factors that influence the soil-structure interaction mechanism in buildings and their implications on the behavior of them. Firstly, an extensive bibliographical review was made, and this study broached the main concepts of the SSI research field, such as constitutive models of soil, discrete models to represent soil, soil properties, analysis of settlements, and permissible stress design, among others. In order to illustrate the analysis, a numerical modeling of a pilot mansory building of 11 (eleven) floors subjected to vertical and horizontal actions was made, using the Finite Element Method through the SAP 2000 v. 12 software. For the consideration of the geotechnical and structural system assembly, the model proposed by AOKI (2009) was used. This model presents the case of a single system in equilibrium: the global system formed by the structure and soil assembly, with contour line limited by the undeformable surface of the soil mass. The geotechnical formation was represented by 3 (three) perforation reports of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais, Brazil, providing a threedimensional characterization of the massif, which allows to visualize the shape of the elements that make the soil up, in a real situation, with the stratification of its layers. The influencing factors on the SSI analyzed in this study were: relative soil-structure rigidity, effect of the first floors, foundation layouts in floor plan and in cross section. Seeking support for a better understanding of the influence of these factors, the distribution of normal stresses on the walls of the pilot building was analyzed in the forms of graphs and spreadsheets.


engenharia de estruturas teses. alvenaria teses.

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