Estudo da implantação do projeto Escola Cidadã na EMEF Senador Alberto Pasqualini no período de 1998-2005: limites e possibilidades para um ensino de qualidade




This research has as its object of study the implantation of the Citizen School Project at the Elementary City School Senador Alberto Pasqualini, from 1998 to 2005. In the first chapter, references about the implantation of the pedagogical project Ciclos de Formação in some brazilian cities were presented. Next, the introduction of the project in some schools of Porto Alegre, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, is described. Finally, the research at the school Senador Alberto Pasqualini, which is in the extreme southern region of the city, is reported. The research was carried out through participative observation and living experience, since I am a teacher of that school, interviews with educators and with the principal team. Besides, surveys with educators, Alberto Pasqualini students, their parents or their responsibles were conducted. As research conclusions, the study points out that, with the implantation of the Citizen School Project in that school, there has been an improvement of the social services for the school community. However, it is clear in the interviews as much as in the surveys with the many groups that the guideline Continuing Progression should be rethought by the maintainer, in order to promote a better pedagogical service to the students in their complexity, ranging not only the social, political and cultural aspect, but also the cognitive one. Furthermore, the research revealed that, the way in which the implantation occurred left deep scars in the school soul till today


comunidade escolar progressão continuada escola cidadã atendimento social implantação de projeto educacao

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