Limites e possibilidades da educação física no contexto da escola cidadã: um estudo em escolas da rede municipal de ensino de Porto Alegre (RS)




In the study we objectify: a) to identify elements that characterize(continuously) the Physical Education in the context of the Escola Cidadã (its objectives, pertaining to School knowledge that deals with, as it becomes related with the thematic complexes, evaluation, etc.); b) to argue its limits and possibilities; c) to search new proposals. Its bigger justification rests in the unknowns of the description-politician-pedagogical experience of the Escola Cidadã in Porto Alegre (RS), ally to the knowledge of the historical conservative paper that Physical Education fulfills in the school. Thus, we are unaware of as it disciplines it Physical Education,in the one context such proposal innovative of curricular reorganization, it would to obtain, also it, to establish educational innovations in dialectic relation with the context in which is inserted. Our methodology procediments was the collaborated research (GAJARDO, 1984), searching to dialogue with citizens of the reality studied on each moment of the inquiry process. With this method we choose three (3) schools in which we carry through: a) interviews half-structuralized with professors and students; b) not systematic comments and c) we collect official and material documents informal of direct interest of the study. The references landmarks theoretical essentials are the marxism (of gramsciana inspiration), sociology and critical theory of the resume, as well as traditional and critical theories in the field of the pedagogy of the Physical Education. Our results indicate that: the Physical Education in the Escola Cidadã oscillates between being a (suposed) not-theoretician activity and one disciplines that to argue elements of the corporal culture; b) has a complex and contradictory net of factors social macro and micron whose analysis is condition to the overcoming and the increase of limits and possibilities of the Physical Education respectively; c) it has innumerable educational innovations sprouting in ground of the school , but being unexplored; d) exactly thus, much of the inheritance biological technician-sporting and of the Physical Education already comes being surpassed; at last) we evidence that the hegemonic consolidation of innovations progressive-liberators demands respect stops with the life history the professors,beyond structural changes in the initial formation, in the continued one, in the aid, in the paper that the universities fulfill (in the initial formation, in the continued one, research), without losing of sight the necessity of the adoption of interactive-reflexives forms in all these cases, constructing a net of critical pedagogical communication


educacao fisica -- porto alegre, rs escola cidada educacao

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