Estudo da eficacia do exame citopatologico realizado durante colonoscopia, em material de biopsia, na caracterização das estenoses colorretais




The correct etiological diagnosis of colorectal strictures can be difficult using either radiologic study or colonoscopy particularly in the sigmoid colon (mainly when affected by hypertonic diverticular disease), colonic flexures and the right hemicolon. Because the limitations af barium enema and of rectosigmoidoscopy to yield a complete study of the colorectum, cytology was used as a complementary method to investigate the proximal colon. After the introduction of colonoscopy, it was possible to obtain samples by direct vision of the lesion. Consequently, cytologic efficiency was improved, with similar or even better results than histopathology. In the present study, based on 107 patients, after a specimen was obtained through the colonoscope, it was gently smeared on a glass slide. The smear was stained by hematoxilin and eosin and examined microscopicaly. The specimen itself was then fixed in 10% formalin for histopathology. The results of bothe methods were compared, and further correleted to examination of the whole surgical specimen when available. In those cases not submitted to surgical treatment, comparison was based on clinical follow up. The cytopathological and histopathological results were also analysed in relation to the type, localization and perviousness of the stenosis. The results showed a striking degree of correlation between the cytopathological and histopathological studies, which were identical or similar in 92,6% of the cases. In relation to cytopathological examination there were no inconclusive results; false-negative results were less numerous than with histopathology, and only one case of false-positive (in rectal vilous adenoma) was observed. When the results were correlated with type, localization and perviousness of the lesion, similar conclusions were drawn, and it was apparent that the above features did not affect the results significantly except that there were more false-negatives in both cytopatholoy and histopathology when the lesions were impervious. The cytopathological and hystopathological studies were both highly sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma. Cytopathology performed during colonoscopy was slightly more sensitive while the hystopathology was slightly more specific. In conclusion, it is possible to use cytopathological study during colonoscopy as a safe and efficient examination in the study of colorectal strictures, which contributes to improve the clinical and surgical orientation of these patients


exames medicos histopatologia

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