Estudo cromossomico em sindromes mielodisplasicas




The míelodysplastyc syndromes (MDS) can precede the development of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) and are classified as five different hemotological groups 1) refractory anaemia (RA), 2) refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts (RAS), 3) refractory anaemia with excess blasts (RAEB), 4) refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEBt) and 5) chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML). The chromosomal alterations most frequently met with in the MDS are chromosomes 5 and 7 partial or complete monosomies, chromosome 20 partial monosomy, chromosomes 8 and 9 trisomies and more complex structural rearrangements. The objective of this work was to determine the chromosomal alterations in MDS patients of brazilian population, to compare the alterations observed with those descrited ín medical literature and to correlate the chromosomal diagnosis to the individual prognosis of the leukemic evolution. A chromosomal analysis of the bone marrow was performed on thirteen patients who presented signs of cytopenia and bone marrow dysplasia not due to chemoterapy, radioterapy or vitaminic deficiencies. Seven patients showed normal cariotype (5 RA and 2 RAEB). Of these, one didn t return to the out-patient clinic, one died due to post-operatory complications after heart surgery and one died of intestinal hemorage. The others are alive and have showed no signs of leukemic evolution after 25 to 43 months follow-up. The six patients in which there were chromosomal alterations (2 RAEB ,2 RAEBt, 1 RAS e 1 nonclassified MDS) all died with1 to 24 months after initial diagnosis. Four of these patients had ANLL. The chromosomal aIterations found in these patients were monosomy, microchromosomes, partial monosomy 22, hypodiploidy with multiple structural aberrations [t(2;?), t(11;22), deI (11q), t(21;?)+mar] polyploidy with structural rearrangements [dir ins(10;l), del(10q),+mar] and remarkable non-specifyc hipodiploidy. These are sults, along with those reported in medical literature allowed us to conclude that chromosomal aberrations are indicative of an unfavourable prognostic in relation to patinent survival and also imply in a high risk of leukemic transformation in patients with MSD


anomalias sindormes mielodisplasicas cromossomos humanos

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