Estudo cromossomico em abortos espontaneos e suas correlações com dados bioquimicos e anatomo-patologicos




A critical and comparative study is presented of the relationships between karyotype, histopathologic analysis and the levels of maternal serum a-fetoprotein (MSAFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (MSHCG) in spontaneous abortuses (SA). The aim of this work was to establish whether the information histopathologic analysis, together with MSAP P and MSHCG levels can predict the karyotypic diagnosis of the SA. To this end, 62 cases of first and second trimester SA were karyotyped. Histopathologic studies were made for 56 of these cases while the MSAFP and MSHCG levels were determined for 50 cases. In order to compare the MSAFP and MSHCG levels in SA to those of normal pregnancies the maternal serum of 48 normal pregnant women were also analyzed. The results showed a very significant association between karyotype and histopathologic study (p <0.01), the predictive positive and negative values being 71% and 86% respectively. Also the sensitivity of the histopathologic study was 97%. However a very low specificity, 33%, was found. The MSAFP and MSHCG levels showed no association with karyotype of the abortuses. 82% of the MSHCG values and 86% of the MSAFP were less than 0,5 multiples of the median (MoM). These results lead to the following conclusions: 1.) With the exception of the hydatidiform moles (HM) there is a good association between karyotype and the histopathologic findings, but it is not strong to predict a karyotypic diagnosis of an abortus. 2.) There is no association between MSAFP, MSHCG and the karyotype of the abortuses, at least with the used methodology. On the contrary, the maternal levels of these substances were very low, suggesting that the abortion and, probably, the in utero retention reduce both MSAFP and MSHCG levels. 3.) The chromosome study seems to be essential to etiologic diagnosis of SA, except, of course, in the HM cases.


citogenetica aborto

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