Estudo comparativo entre o laser endovenoso e a fleboextração convencional da veia safena interna em pacientes com varizes primarias




The diagnosis of varicose veins is common, being found in up to 25% of women and 15% of the men. Such patients seek medical treatment for some reasons, also aesthetic concern. The development of more appropriate and flexible instruments, as well as thesearch for less invasive techniques with acceptable results, the short and long term period, made possible the appearance of new therapeutically modalities. With the objective to compare the endovenous photocoagulation with the total stripping of the internal safenous vein, a study of the type was carried through controlled, randomized and blind clinical assay. A total of20 patients with insufficiency ofbilateral internal safenous vein were operated of varices during the period of March of 2002 and February of 2004. For each in case that, two techniques, being one in each inferior member were carried through. The entire searched variable had been submitted to the analysis statistics. As major results, the technique that used the endovenous laser presented minor pain, minor edema and minor hematome during the postoperative course. Also as for the benefits of the surgery, the great majority of the patients answered that the member operated with the laser was the most benefited of the two. The air pletismography examination demonstrated hemodynamic improvement in the two groups, without however getting the normalization of the values of the venous filling time in all of them. The endovenous photocoagulation for the treatment of varicose veins is insurance and tolerated good. This technique presents resulted comparable to the ones of the conventional stripping of the internal safenous vein and can successfully be used with low index of complications


fotocoagulação insuficiencia venosa

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