"Estudo comparativo dos efeitos de um protocolo de cinesioterapia respiratória desenvolvido em dois diferentes meios, aquático e terrestre, na função respiratória de idosos" / Comparative effects of a respiratory exercise protocol developed in two different ways, aquatic and terrestrial, in the respiratory function of elderly




Aging of the population is a mundial concern. It causes damages in the pulmonary system. Respiratory exercises are too much used, but not so much related with the aquatic environment and aged. This study analised the effects of the respiratory exercise realized in two environments - aquatic and earth - in the respiratory muscle strength, thoracic mobility and flexibility in healthy aged. Completed the study 59 subjects between 60 and 65 years, randomized in three groups. Two of then realized respiratory exercises in earth and water and the third one acted as a control. Comparing the groups, there was a stastically significance improve in the inspiratory muscle strength in the water group. All of the other variables analised didn t change with the intervention


aging/physiology fisioterapia/métodos respiratory function tests ensaios controlados aleatÓrios testes de funÇÃo respiratÓria exercise therapy/methods aged/physiology terapia por exercÍcio/métodos fisioterapia (especialidade)/methods idoso/fisiologia hidroterapia/métodos randomized controlled trials hydroteraphy/methods envelhecimento/fisiologia

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