Estudo comparativo de métodos analíticos para a determinação de Fe e Ti em cimento Portland.




In the present work analytical methodologies were studied for the determination of iron and titanium in Portland cement. The cement samples were dissolved with hot HCl and HF, being compared then through four analytic methods: molecular absorption spectrophotometry using the reagents 1,2-hidroxibenzene-3,5-dissulfonic acid (Tiron) and the 5-chloro-salicilic acid (CSA), inductively coupled plasm atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In the spectrophotometric determination two reagents proposed cromogenics (Tiron and CSA) were studied and conditions as pH, addition order, interferentes presence, amount of reagent and lid, lineal strip, stability was appraised. CSA and its complexes are not very soluble in a medium aqueous, however the addition of the Brij-35 in a final concentration of 1% allows the solubilization of the system avoiding the use of organic solvent. In the techniques of ICP-AES and AAS the best lines, interference presence, sensibility and work?s strip were studied. The obtained results were compared and the agreement was evaluated among the methods for the determination of the metals of interest. The methodologies proposals presented interference absence and good sensibility.


ferro cimento portland titânio quimica analitica

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