Estudo comparativo da toxicidade exercida pelo diazepam e buspirona, no processo de regeneração hepatica, em ratos parcialmente hepatectomizados




The author studied comparatively the toxicity induced by diazepam and buspirona in the process ofhepatic regeneration of 42 rats partiaIy hepatectomized. The animals received LP. diazepam and buspirona (0.42, 0.85 and 1.7 mg/Kg/day) during 5 days since the partial hepatectomy date, and aspartate aminotransferase( AST) and alanine aminotransferase( AL T) levels were recorded in the periods of O (zero), 24 and 120 hours. The results revealed means of ativity higher of AST for the groups treated in a 24 hours period and lower for the group with a 120 hours period when compared to the control group. Means of ativity higher of AL T were related for the 24 hours period group when compared to the control group


toxicologia psicofarmacologia testes funcionais hepaticos drogas diazepam buspirona

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