Estrutura da comunidade de formas iniciais de peixes em uma gamboa do estuÃrio do rio Catuama, Pernambuco â Brasil




This survey was carried out in a mangrove tidal creek at the Catuama estuary, Pernambuco State, Brazil. With the aim at characterizing the fish community that inhabits these intertidal habitats, samples were taken monthly in day-night periods with an adapted block-net (1mm mesh size at the aisles and 500μm at the core) to catch larvae and young fish in the tidal creek. Simultaneous temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen measurements were taken. A total of 11,557 larvae and 8,216 young fish were sampled throughout one year of sampling. The ichthyoplanktonic assemblage was composed by 27 families, Atherinopsidae, Gerreidae and Gobiidae being the most abundant. Some sporadic families of marine fishes were represented by Triglidae, Pomacentridae and Lutjanidae. Larvae abundance did not differ between daynight periods, although many of them were well distributed on a year round basis, like Atherinopsidae, or exhibited a distribution pattern associated with the spawning season, as Centropomidae. The postflexion stage was dominant. Thus representing the time when many marine-estuarine dependent fishes come to mangrove areas. Thirty-nine young fish species were identified, being the most numerically abundant: Lile piquitinga, Lycengraulis grossidens, Ctenogobius boleosoma, Atherinella brasiliensis, Ulaema lefroyi e Poecilia vivipara. Only P. vivipara exhibited a higher abundance in one of the periods, predominantly in day samples. Species association showed a temporal and spatial separation in habitat use, which enhances early life fish development due to competitive exclusion. The high abundance and temporal frequency of larvae and juvenile fish species collected in the present study emphasize the role of tidal creeks for fish fauna in estuarine and adjacent coastal environments


tidal creek ecology juveniles ecologia fishes manguezal jovens engenharia naval e oceanica peixes mangrove gamboa

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