Estratificacao de areas desflorestadas por tipos de vegetacao da Amazonia, utilizando sistema de informacoes geograficas: estudo de caso na Folha SB20 Purus / Stratification of deforested areas by vegetation types in Amazonia, using geographic information systems: study of case at SB20 Purus map




A methodology to stratify deforested areas by Amazonia vegetation types, using geoprocessing techniques was tested for SB20 Purus map. The approach concerns the integration of different scales and projections data, so two imagery (1:250,000 scale and UTM projection)and RadamBrasil vegetation map (1:1,000,000 scale and Lambert Conformal Conic projection). These datasets were integrated using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), producing as results the stratification of deforested areas by vegetation types and the relationship between the two vegetation datasets. The adopted method made possible the proposed objective and the results showed that about 91 percent of forested areas had been equally classified in both of products. However, it was possible to verify that about 2.95 percent of forested areas in RadamBrasil were classified as non-forested in Amazonia project, and it was a sign of differences in thematic classification, as well as in the position of the equivalents features. The occurrence of 9.59 percent of deforestation in RadamBrasil nonforested areas was an evidence of these differences that could be confirmed with Landsat/TM imagery. A qualitative analysis of the results suggested application of the methodology to the whole Amazonia, but the analysis must be done individually. These results made possible too, considering some important aspects to future works that have been interested in anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases using deforested areas related to biomass and RadamBrasil vegetation maps.


purus biomass amazonia (regiao) geoprocessamento desmatamento integracao de dados mapeador tematico (landsat) sistemas de informacao geográfica (sig) stratification vegetacao desflorestamento imagens landsat vegetation florestas biomassa dados cartográficos estratificacao deforestion satelites landsat geoprocessing thematic mappers (landsat)

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