Estratégia para estimação do conjugado eletromagnético de motores de indução / STRATEGY FOR THE ESTIMATION OF TORQUE ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION MOTORS


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of this work is to develop a strategy for determining the electromagnetic torque of induction motors (MIT) from the stator flux estimation, which presents higher robustness against parametric variations. The stator flux is estimated by integrating the voltage model of the machine, applying Highpass Filters (HFP) for ideal integration of electromotive force against, leading to compensation of offsets in the measurements of voltage, current and its integral, so enable practical implementations of control strategies, failure prediction and energy efficiency. Simulated and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed strategy, evaluating the efficiency of the estimation of transient load and a wide range of machine operation


motor de indução estimação de fluxo estimação de conjugado filtro passa altas engenharia mecanica induction motors flux estimation torque estimation high pass filter

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