Estar + gerundio e ter + participio : aspecto verbal e variação no portugues




By observing the synchronic and diachronic use of the Brazilian Portuguese aspectual periphrases estar (be) + gerund and ter (have) + participle, I propose that they can be analyzed as variants of a variable, according to the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Labovian Sociolinguistics. The variable context is defined by present tense and imperfective aspects (durative or iterative). As a result of an apparent time quantitative analysis of the synchronic tokens (extracted from 50 interviews that were selected from the corpora NURC/SP and PEUL/RJ), I show that ter + participle is becoming more restricted, both socially and linguistically. In this process of change, estar + gerund is the preferred form amongst youngest speakers, regardless of other linguistic factors, such as the semantic class of the main verb, the presence of aspectual adjuncts in the sentence and the presence of quantifiers in the verbal arguments.


mudanças linguisticas gramatica comparada e geral - locução verbal lingua portuguesa - variação fraseologia

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