Estado, Universidade e desenvolvimento regional : um estudo do caso do programa de cooperação Sudene e universidades do nordeste do Brasil




The present study focuses the relationship between the academic community and the society intermediated by the bureaucracy. The research, concerning the 1986-89 period, deal with the Interinstitutional Cooperation Program between Northeast Brazil Development Agency (SUDENE) and the Brazilian Northeast Universities, which sponsored researches with social and regional relevance. In the first part, the study identifies and relates qualitative variables linked to the national, regional and institutional conjuncture, the processes of decision and the adhesion of the elites; it also take out, as important factors, the successful formulation of the Program, the favorable conjunction of those variables and, as a partial explanation of the unsuccessful implementation, the reversion of that conjuncture. In this part of the study were used the policy analysis proposed by HAM and HILL (1994) and some concepts elaborated by MATUS (1996). In the second part, the investigation of the Program unsuccessful implementation moment was deepened, using, as statistical instrument, the multiple variables linear regression which related the projects elaborated by the Universities and submitted to the Program with the College Teachers by Grade Category (Doctors, Masters, Specialists and Graduates). From the above, it may be seen that the Doctors category was not included as the projects correspondents explanatory variable. Actually, the Masters category was presented as a good one. Thus, the research identifies the factors which are active in the process, and the more important ones are selected to understand the central problem. It highlights the most important, i. e., the small interest evidenced by the Doctors T eachers Grade Category for the Program The fact that such conclusion seems to be related to the orientation of the Program - the promotion of researches of social relevance - shows the need for more detailed studies on the participation of the universities on topics of social relevance, where Teachers by Academic Ranking - a promising subject by itself - are taken as analysis categories. To sum up, the conjunction of the two instruments - the policy analysis


brasil universidades e faculdades - pesquisa nordeste universidades e faculdades - cooperação - brasil ciencia e tecnologia

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