Estabelecidos em ação: um caso de conquista e de manutenção de postos de poder




The existing conflicts and relations of power that were founded between public servants participants of Project Novo, a measure of modernization of Social Welfare in Brazil, is the object of this dissertation in order to unravel the mechanisms that contributed to access and maintenance of a group of people in positions of power. The study, focusing on the concepts of ideal bureaucracy of Weber and relations of power examined by Elias, shows how the Project, along with activities of processes modeling, products construction and other works, has become a breeding ground for fights. This took place mainly among two classes represented there ─ established and outsiders ─ with adhesion or not from others. The conflicts exhausted with the monopoly of established now to act with authority sanctioned by power. This group, in the period 2002 to 2008, handled a series of twenty positions of direction and advice and top fifteen functions between nine people. Formed this elite, participants PNOVO migrated to the other two new projects ─ the PGESTÃO and PIM. The circularity of interdependence and empirical analysis of multiple variables indicated that the projects were mechanisms in support of their interests to solidify positions and reaffirm new missions with distinct strategic directions from international contract signed between the Brazilian government and the World Bank. The rational action and movement of this group confirm the hypothesis that the achievement and maintenance of positions of power and prestige in public service are based on strengthening of a group, through the control of means and positions of command. This is a conclusion of the examination of the movements made by members of the group established ─ scrutinised in the light of the interviews, comments by the researcher and the examination of ample documentation.


established estabelecidos mecanismos de sustentação interdependence power relations supporting mechanisms burocracia ideal ideal bureaucracy interdependência outsiders outsiders relações poder sociologia

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