Espessura dos musculos mastigatorios, força de mordida, contatos oclusais e morfologia facial de crianças com mordida cruzada posterior unilateral




There are few studies about the functional and structural malocclusion characteristics in young children. In this way, the aim of this study was to evaluate the thickness of masseter and anterior temporalis muscles, the maximal bilateral bite force, the number of occlusal contacts in molars and the facial morphology in children with normal occlusion and unilateral crossbite, of the primary and early mixed dentition. The sample comprised 49 children of both genders, which was divided in four groups: deciduous-normal, deciduous-crossbite, mixed-normal and mixed-crossbite. The thickness was evaluated by ultrasonography, with the muscle relaxed and during maximal intercuspal position, and it was compared between the sides, right and left, and normal and crossbite-side, in the normal occlusion and the crossbite, respectively. The craniofacial variables, anterior facial height (AFH), bizigomatic and intergonial width (BW and IW) and reasons AFH/BW and AFH/IW, were evaluated through facial photographs. The results were submitted to the descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Student’s test, Anova and Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test. It was observed that only the thickness of anterior temporalis muscles at rest, of the mixed-crossbite group, presented significant statistical differences among the normal and crossbite sides. Significant statistical differences of the bite force and the number of occlusal contacts were observed between the groups mixed-normal and mixed-crossbite, but not between the deciduous groups; moreover, the number of oclusal contacts between the sides left and right, and normal and crossbite-side did not differ, in all groups. The masseter thickness presented positive correlations with bite force; but the thickness of anterior temporalis muscle did not related with bite force in the crossbite groups. Occlusal contacts, weight and height did not present significant correlations with the thickness of muscles and bite force. Masseter thickness related positively with the width’s face (BW and IW) and negatively with a narrower facial pattern (AFH/BW and AFH/IW). It was concluded that a thicker masseter is related to a large face and to an increase in bite force. Moreover, functional and anatomical variables differ in the mixed dentition with the presence of malocclusion.


oclusão dentaria musculos musculo temporal ultrasom

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