Espessamento do complexo mÃdio-intimal das carÃtidas em pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus do tipo 2 e sua relaÃÃo com parÃmetros metabÃlicos, inflamatÃrios e complicaÃÃes vasculares




The vascular involvement in diabetes disease is strongly associated to atherosclerosis, that has itâs pathophysiological support due to endotelial dysfunction, that is a consequence of an initial process of vascular inflammation and can be represented, under the anatomopathological point of view, by the intimal-medial thickness (IMT). This study evaluates the occurrence of IMT in carotids of patients affected by type 2 diabetes, evaluated by echo-Doppler, and its correlation with levels of high sensitive C-reactive protein (PCR-hs), with microalbuminuria, and other complications like microvascular type (retinopathy, foot ulcer and peripheral neuropathy) and atherosclerotic lesions of carotid artery). For this study, there were a total of 118 subjects which were separated into two groups: 64 subjects type 2 diabetic patients (group A) and 54 healthy control (group B). The results show the occurrence of IMT in type 2 diabetic patients (p <0,001), though with no statistical significance for PCRhs levels (p=0,8) and microalbuminuria values (p=0,45). Correlation was not also verified with the presence of microvascular complications (exception for sensory neuropathy). There were correlation with duration of Diabetes and age. On the other hand, atherosclerotic lesions of carotids was observed in a larger proportion into the patients of group A than those of group B (p <0,05), with IMT correlation either. These results confirm the importance of the vascular inflammation as an initial process of atherosclerosis disease of the diabetic patients and suggest that IMT represent an important indicator for cardiovascular risk evaluation in this group of patient


echo-doppler scan of carotid diabetes eco-doppler das carÃtidas intimal-medial thickness diabetes anatomia patologica e patologia clinica espessamento da Ãntima

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