Espelho ante espelho: a troca e a guerra entre o neopentecostalismo e os cultos afrobrasileiros em Salvador




For the last two decades, an important phenomenon of conflict has altered deeply the Brazilian religious scenario, questioning one of the main aspects of its official narratives, religious syncretism. In its recurrence in time and in its dissemination throughout the national territory, tensions between the neopentecostal evangelical denominations and afro-Brazilian cults ended up being called, by public opinion and the specialists, a holy war. The purpose of this thesis is to approach the holy war in a particular context, in the city of Salvador, and through a native perspective, i.e., through the textual construction of a reciprocal exegesis, concerned with the reconstitution of self and alter characterizations produced by both parts fighting this war. The outcome of this proposal is a text divided into two mirrored halves. In the first part, I describe the neopentecostal discourse about the afro-Brazilian devil and its implications, while in a second part I reconstruct the different ways that local Candomblé receives and speculates about the noisy and violent presence of its new enemy. Both discourses might be thought as strategies used by the religious groups articulated by the conflict to deal with questions concerning its own grammars, turning the enemy into data internal to them. As a conclusion, I place those strategies of capturing the other above the photographic contrast of individualism, aiming to observe clearly the identitary movements put at work in either group by the new economy of otherness that they have lived in the last years. Thought out through this optic, the holy war then shows itself as a war of mirrors.


culto afrobrasileiro salvador antropologia neopentecostalismo

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