EspÃcies vegetais estratÃgicas à conservaÃÃo de Antilophia bokermanni, ave ameaÃada e endÃmica da Chapada do Araripe, CearÃ, Brasil: riqueza, uso e distribuiÃÃo temporal de recursos / EspÃcies vegetais estratÃgicas à conservaÃÃo de Antilophia bokermanni, ave ameaÃada e endÃmica da Chapada do Araripe, CearÃ, Brasil: riqueza, uso e distribuiÃÃo temporal de recursos




This study had as its main aims to determine the diet of Antilophia bokermanni, as well as to obtain the morphological characteristics of the fruits, the ecological characteristics of the plants, and the behavioral characteristics related to the diet of this endemic, endangered bird from Chapada do Araripe. The gatherings were carried out in humid forest of the Northeastern strand of Chapada do Araripe, CearÃ, Brazil, and occurred between December, 2004, and July, 2008. Twenty-two species of plants used by A. bokermanni, distributed into 19 genres and 16 families, were registered. It was possible to verify that this bird utilizes all the forest stracts for feeding, preferring trees, and ingesting mainly fruits of the drupe kind, small and with small seeds and of red or purple color. Most of the plants used have a pioneer regeneration strategy. The most common tactics of forage and strategies of consume were to acquire the fruit by flying and swallowing it, respectively. This bird presents behavioral and/or physiological characteristics which point it out as a potential seed disperser. Thus, the knowledge about its frugivorous diet will help with dealing with and conserving the threatened A. bokermanni


dieta endemism conservaÃÃo endemismo, floresta Ãmida, frugivoria, pipridae, soldadinho-do-araripe diet botanica frugivory pipridae âcriticamente em perigoâ âcritically endangeredâ humid forest conservation araripe manakin

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