Escola, família e comunidade quilombola na afirmação da identidade étnica da criança negra. / School, family and Quilombola Community in the affirmation of ethnic identity of the black children.




This dissertation entitled School, Family and the Quilombola Community in the Affirmation of the Ethic Identity of Black Children, carried out in the Quilombo community of Muquém, in the State of Alagoas, had as a general objective to identify how the ethnic identity of Black children is constructed and asserted in the interrelationship of school, family and of the Quilombola community. The approach of the study was qualitative, having as a methodology participant observation and informal interviews with eight children, their mothers, their teacher, and Quilombolas of Muquém. We conducted an analysis of the discipline of Palmarina Culture and of four activities administered in the classroom. In the analysis and systematization of the data we were able to perceive how the facets of racism and its reproduction in every social filed (family, school, community) challenges the positive identity construction of Quilombo Black children in the researched community.


criança negra educação quilombola community comunidade quilombola educacao identidade étnica education ethnic identity children/child

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