Equilibrio de fases de sistemas contendo polimeros sinteticos e carboidratos em meio aquoso / Phase equilibrium of systems containing synthetic polymers and carbohydrates in aqueous medium




This work relates phase equilibrium of binary and ternary systems formed by aqueous mixtures of EO-PO block co-polymers of five different molar masses and EO/PO ratios, and maltodextrins of three different mean molar masses studied at 298.15 K. 25 Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) phase diagrams for ternary systems at temperatures ranging from 288,15 to 308,15 K, plus 4 LLE diagrams for binary systems and 9 water activity data sets, were determined. Of the ternary systems, 18 contain a polydisperse carbohydrate, and this polidispersity influences markedly the system s behavior. Temperature was also investigated in some cases. The results obtained contribute to elucidate the behavior of water solutions containing EO-PO block co-polymers of various molar masses and blocks ratios and glucose, maltose or several glucose polymers in a reasonable temperature range. These polymers are investigated for applications in aqueous two-phase systems. Different kinds of diagrams were observed, as well as water activity reductions. Thermodynamic modeling was performed employing current models. Also, polydispersity and temperature effects were incorporated. The results indicate that a good thermodynamic model is capable of not only provide information for process control purposes, but also about molecular interaction and predict the behavior of more complex systems


sistemas aquosos bifasicos equilibrio liquido-liquido atividade de agua modelagem polidispersão water activity polydispersity aqueos two-phase system liquid-liquid equilibrium modeling

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