Environmental sustainability in small enterprises : interactive implementation of cleaner production - study in an automotive section company / Sustentabilidade ambiental em pequenas empresas : implementação interativa de produção mais limpa (p+l) - estudo em uma empresa metal-mecanica do ramo automotivo




The Brazilian metals sector and, mainly its automotive section, is mostly composed by small enterprises which are exposed to a competitive global demand: permanently improve their environmental quality standard. However, for such enterprises, there is still a meaningful discrepancy in participation as far as self-regulatory environmental management instruments adoption is concerned when compared, for instance, to large companies. Amongst these instruments, the cleaner production stands out as a vigorous environmental management approach based on an integrated platform with a preventive focus. Under this point of view, this study proposes to develop and to apply an interactive cleaner production implementation methodology. This methodology is built by a cleaner production implementation program, especially conceived and created for the small enterprises profile and by a set of questions and answers structurally connected to the phases and activities of such program allowing its interactive implementation as well as increasing value for the human capital, the knowledge and the language in small enterprises


desenvolvimento sustentavel poluição - prevenção e controle pollution desenvolvimento economico - aspectos ambientais sustainable development industries economic development industrias - aspectos ambientais - metodologia human capital capital humano

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