ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND TRANSDISCIPLINARITY, A POSSIBEL MEETING IN THE TEACHER FORMATION: A SIMBOLIC RESEARCH / Educação ambiental e transdisciplinaridade, um encontro possível na formação docente: uma pesquisa simbólica.




The present dissertation seeks to share the experience and the results of the research in a school of the Public Net of Fundamental Teaching of the City Hall of Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil, close to response the question: Is it possible, using vector and symbols, ruled in the pillars and principles of Transdisciplinarity, looking for the creation of formative landscapes that, extrapolating the basically rational paradigms of the modern science, do contribute in some way with the formation in teachers of the public school, optimizing the social-environmental approaches in the school? To answer this question, some meetings it was proposed to the staff of the school, with focus in the faculty, for the development of a reflection work on their pedagogic practice for social-environmental subjects, ruled in the pillars and principles of the Transdisciplinarity, because we understand the school as one of the privileged spaces for the construction of attitudes that can turn possible a maintainable world, in which the environmental education through the Transdisciplinarity light, can bring implicit a new road for the formation of the teachers. The theoretical references used as base for these meetings, looked for the support in contemporary authors, as Edgar Morin, Basarab Nicolescu, Leonardo Boff, Fabio A. Cascino, Marcos Reigota, Stuart Hall, Ecleide C. Furlanetto, Ivani C. Fazenda, Maria F de Merllo, Americo Sommerman, Enrique Leff, Feliz Guattari, among others, that moves through the environmental subjects and in the transdisciplinar fields for their academic production, as well as in the experiences lived by the author of these dissertation, that is working with environmental education more than 20 years, having participated in the Transdisciplinar Course, promoted in 2002 by the Transdisciplinar Education Center CETRANS and as participant of the Coordination Staff of the Apprentice Company of CETRANS. The obtained result evidenced that the construction of formative landscapes based in alternative languages optimizes the three polar formation (self, hetero and echo-formation) of the teachers participants, as well their pedagogic work with the social-environmental education, optimizing also the quality of their world vision propitiating an improvement in the relationship and in the environmental conditions as a whole.


transdisciplinaridade transdisciplinarity formação de professores educational practices educação ambiental teachers formation educacao educação ambiental práticas educativas environmental education

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