Envelhecimento: resiliÃncia e espiritualidade




The present study has its beginning by the exercice of practice intervention educacional to elaborate and go along eith the operation of annual educational teaching to involve all school community as: children, teenagers, youngs ters, adultos and aged. The research markes out, appropriate problems related to Gerontology Study with the aim to investigate and identify expressions from resilience in aged, how they overcome the theoretical reference and conceptual was searched on the model that integrates the growth and the human development as a contihuons process and according to the model of resilience that promoves, positively the human potenctial in whuch spirituality is inserted and linhked to full or complete integrity of human being. The methodology was used in a qualitative way eith a brillant approach that permits us to get into experienced world by the subjects and perceve the misfortunes and rhe protective factors to deal with them. This study was carried out with seven aged people ( four females and tthee males) of the age more than 65 years. The collection of data was carried out through the life history technique but the proposed by Martins and Bicudo. They looked for deepenning the expressions of resiliece by agedpeople between the convergence and divergence established by the author in thematic categories from events that happened unfavourable in the interviewers life.


old aged envelhecimento velhice resilience and spirituality saude coletiva resiliÃncia e espiritualidade aging

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