Entre Rorty y Gadamer: alternativa de la hermenéutica y educación en el sentido crítico de la razón


Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)




This article discuss the ways Rorty and Gadamer appropriate themselves of the ontological anchorage of heideggerian hermeneutics to discern what contributes and what diverts from the hermeneutic perspective, related to an education in the critical sense of the reason, as inherent to an I incarnated, that appropriates itself of its constitutive structures in relation to the significance of the real. Rorty's thoughts about the hermeneutical perspective fundament accomplish a translation from the ontological to the sociopolitical. At one hand, it opens a dimension that needs to incorporate the hermeneutical current. At the other, it reduces the educative overture of the reason's critical, centering it in the finitude of subjectivity and depriving it from an ideal tension consistency in relation to the ontological data intelligibility. The hermeneutics of the eminent texts of the traditions by Gadamer, recreates, on the contrary, its ontological sense and his alter tension. He valorizes authority's and tradition's reason as instances of an hermeneutics opened to the other, where messages intelligibility are historically involved in its relation with the real.

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