Entre o porto e a estaÃÃo: cotidiano e cultura dos trabalhadores urbanos de Camocim - CE. 1920-1970




This paper talks about the life and culture of urban workers, Camocim-CE, in the period 1920-1970, this period where the city is based on the work spaces favored by the activities of a port and a railroad. In this sense the research seeks to understand the social relations in this small universe within the Cearà and imbricaÃÃes with the world of work. In this perspective are analyzed the factors that have encouraged the construction of a memory of the city where the past is closely with the peak of activity port-railway. Moreover, the decline of these activities leads the workers (and port dockers, mainly) to develop other strategies for survival, is looking for work in other ports of the country, is being set in other professions (such as rail, for example). Within a theoretical and methodological design linked to the social history, sought to understand the everyday life of workers in their political motivations, the conflicts within the unions, in moments of leisure and its cultural events, as well as in relations with employers. So, in this research effort, was intended to make a contribution and launch lights to the understanding of issues related to the experiences of these workers who consolidates every day in a historiography dedicated to the world of work


culture cultura trabalhadores urbanos camocim cotidiano historia urban workers camocim everyday life

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