ENTRE INTERAÇÕES E VIOLÊNCIAS: a percepção dos atores sociais a respeito de seu cotidiano escolar




This paper aims at observing social interactions developed among the various actors in a state school located in Juiz de Fora; examining the process of formation of social groups and identities from these relationships and verifying the existence and the types of violent and criminal expressions occurring in school - and their representations -, based on the perceptions and propositions of various actors of the education community, such as students, teachers, technical-educational professionals and staff in general. Based on Symbolic Interactionism, our intention is to highlight the way in which the different groups interpret and reinterpret the contexts, individuals and social interactions. We understand the School environment as an area full of complexities involving agreements, disagreements, similarities, differences, identities and conflicts. The diversity present in this universe is expressed in various relationships and interactions developed, allowing such a context to be in constant construction and transformation, which was already assumed by interactionists. The aim was to understand how the identities are formed and modified from separate speeches, situations and spaces. The school was also observed as a social place, and the scene of violent expressions, defined differently by different actors as well as being an environment of significant disagreements between the groups which occur in clashes, stigmatization and labeling. Thus, the school was examined considering all its plurality, manifested in issues, phenomena and problems emerging from the context. The aim was to understand, based on the guidelines of various interactionist theoretical references, the myriad of peculiar issues to the educational environment coming from different interactionist situations, respecting the definitions of each of its interactors


labeling rotulação estigmatização violence social interaction interação social escola stigmatization ciencias sociais aplicadas violência school

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